
A Healthy China Requires Healthy Market Access

In few other areas does China display a range of conditions as broad as those found in the field of healthcare. Urban areas of China are already suffering from medical problems that many developed countries face today, such as diabetes and high-rates of obesity. At…

China’s 19th Party Congress

What does this congressional meeting spell for the future of business in China

China’s Struggles to Attract Foreign Investment

The role of navigating negative lists in China’s market

China’s Economy Needs Concrete Reform

This Op-Ed was published originally in the Wall Street Journal, Asia Edition, on 19th September 2017

How is it Coming Together?

The Executive Summary from the Position Paper 2017/2018

President’s Foreword: EU-China Summitry, Sustainability and Such

I have now had the pleasure of serving as President of the Chamber for just over two months. During this time, I have met with many members and going forward I hope to learn more about the opportunities and challenges you face in the Chinese…

Choosing the Right Robots

How to utilise the CRS system to achieve success in China

Protecting Your IP

How European companies can protect their IP while transferring technology to China