Battening down the hatches

Protecting industrial control systems and communication networks

Cease and desist

How to spot and remove counterfeit goods from e-commerce sites in China

Doffing the Cap – Foreign investment in e-commerce in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Since its launch in 2013, the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (CSPFTZ or Zone) has been attracting increasing amounts of foreign investment in many sectors.

The Way Ahead

The European Chamber was established in 2000, with the vision to be the unified, independent and influential voice of European business in China. 

Harbin: Gateway to Russia and transport hub for northeast China

As the capital of China’s Heilongjiang province, Harbin is a key political, economic and cultural centre in Northeast China.

What can you do? Opportunities and challenges for European SMEs

  There have been many changes in the Chinese economy over the past decade.

Thinking small: EU SME Policy

  Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) collectively accounting for over 99 per cent of all enterprises and creating 85 per cent of all the new jobs in the last five years.

Where do we go from here? The future of EU-China relations

  It’s time for a re-set of the European Union’s (EU’s) messy and frequently mismanaged relations with China.

Show me the money: Financing for EU SMEs in China

  A perennial challenge for SMEs is access to financing, a problem that is particularly prevalent in China according to European companies operating here.

Bio-potential: EU SMEs in China’s biomass sector

  China is a country rich in biomass resources which have a variety of applications for electricity, heating, liquid bio-fuel and solid fuels.