The Executive Interview: Philippe Verneuil, President, Michelin China Zone

Michelin entered Greater China in 1988 through a sales office in Hong Kong, with a representative office being created in Beijing a year later

Sources of growth in the world economy

For a company with revenue in the millions of Euros, there are almost always new sources of growth available, provided it is willing to change its perspective on the market and redefine its business model. For a European group with revenue in the billions of…

AIC registration: has the worm turned?

Has the pilot reform scheme on the Administration for Industry Commerce (AIC) registration system created a more favourable environment for foreign companies in China?

Anti-Monopoly Law in China

Recent Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) investigations by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) into certain industries created a stir.

The decision is made: outcomes of the Third Plenum

On 15th November the ‘Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform’ (Decision) from the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was released. It provided details on the reform programme put forward by the new administration of…

EU-China collaboration on 4G technology

A look at the opportunities and challenges China’s economic transformation is creating for the development of the ICT market.

More for less: investing in innovation for China’s sustainable growth

In the wake of the global economic crisis, dwindling natural resources and ever-increasing needs of a growing population we face a stark question

Moving the next billion travellers in China

For the first time in history international visitor arrivals surpassed 1 billion globally (1.035 billion)[1] in 2012.

All’s well that ends well: business exit strategies

Legally winding up a company can be just as time-consuming as establishing one, so it is advisable to consider your options and prepare for phase-out well in advance.

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in China: Part I

If you have registered your intellectual property (IP) and found it being infringed you will want to enforce it, but what recourse do you have in China?