Tag Archives: IPR


While some IPR issues are common to all types of European companies doing business in China

Exhibit A: How to protect your IPR during exhibitions

For many foreign companies looking to enter the Chinese market, attending exhibitions and trade shows here is often their first step.

Put up your dukes: European Companies as Defendants in IP Cases

There has been a recent rise in the number of IP infringement cases filed by domestic plaintiffs against foreign defendants.

A Chair with a View

Elliot Papageorgiou has been an active contributor to the Chamber’s Intellectual Property Rights Working Group


Just a month after the launch of our European Business in China Position Paper 2015/2016, a number of new reform statements were released by the Chinese leadership.

Hunting high and low: IPR and the search for basic company information

When establishing business operations in China, finding local business partners and customers can be a major task.

China’s Inaugural IP-Friendly Awards

As 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of the EU-China IP Cooperation Dialogue Mechanism, the European Chamber is going to organise an award ceremony to recognise China’s most IP-friendly regions, which will take place in March 2016. The European Chamber, in close consultation with our Intellectual…

A work in progress: four decades of IPR in China

                              In the following article experts from the China IPR SME Helpdesk plot the development of China’s treatment of intellectual property (IP) over the past four decades.

Cease and desist

How to spot and remove counterfeit goods from e-commerce sites in China

Cleantech in China:IP strategies for a rapidly expanding market, part II

  China is investing heavily in alternative, renewable means to address its continually expanding energy needs.