Tag Archives: automation

The Reality of AI

A great necessity and complexity for businesses

Rise of the Machines: Robot industry leads China Manufacturing 2025 strategy

With its vast manufacturing base and diminishing workforce, China’s appetite for robots is rapidly increasing.

Look before you leap: taking stock of China Manufacturing 2025

When China overtook Japan as the world’s second largest economy in 2011, labour shortages and rising wages were starting to emerge as serious concerns

Industry 4.0: Business without people?

The utopian vision of Industry 4.0 inspires as much trepidation as it does promise for business.

Robotics Revolution: the Rise of China’s Intelligent Robotics Industry and the Role of Foreign Manufacturers

The Made in China 2025 (MiC2025) initiative will see as much as CNY 8 trillion invested over the next 10 years in order to transform China into a global, high-end manufacturing powerhouse.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: future trends in the robotics industry

A great deal of money will be pouring into China’s robotics industry over the next few years, which will bring both opportunities and risks for foreign investors.