
In-depth Interview With…

Jörg Wuttke, European Chamber President and founding member, BASF China Chief Representative and Vice President

Supply and Demand

Talking logistics along the Belt and Road with Maersk China Ltd

The Road Less Travelled

European Involvement in China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Gig Economy

Retaining millennials through agile development

Natural Born Cooperators

How returning to our original human nature can help combat stress

Diversity and Inclusion

Mainland Chinese organisations could do more to harness D&I’s power

Behind the Scenes of Fapiao Accounting

In China, ‘fapiaos’ or invoices are the most important document for tax reporting. They are considered the ‘gold standard’ for a business’ taxable income. However, Axel Standard argues that this system does not always provide the most accurate picture of a firm’s revenues.